A just society is manifested by the fair distribution of inequalities (equity), harmony with nature (allowing for intergenerational equity), and recognition of the contribution to the common good.
Juan Garay y Beatríz Bejerano
The concept
Ethics and Metrics of Health Equity
This working group aims to delve into the ethical aspects of taking the concept of sustainable health equity as a powerful benchmarking tool for addressing health inequalities in a lasting manner. The focus will be on exploring the implications of establishing clear standards to achieve the highest possible level of health for current and future generations. This involves steering clear of accumulating resources excessively beyond economically feasible and broadly applicable limits, all while maintaining due respect for planetary boundaries.
The tool
The Sustainable Health Equity Atlas encompasses 170 countries with populations exceeding 100,000 inhabitants. It presents data through the country's health equity profile, which includes 21 distinct indicators, three comparative tables, and a comprehensive summary. The indicators, tables, maps, and videos are derived from a comprehensive collection of over two million international data points spanning from 1960 to the present day.
The Webinar series
In this series, consisting of 13 webinars and taking place on the second Wednesday of each month, Professor Juan Garay will use recent UN Population Division estimates and trends together with other international data on economy, ecology and health to update the global burden of health inequity, its distribution, root causes and the transformations required.
The library
A Renewed International Cooperation/Partnership Framework in the XXIst Century - Juan Garay
Health Equity Metrics — Juan Garay, David Chiriboga, Nefer Kelley, and Adam Garay
Global health equity: the key for transformational change 1960-2010 — Juan Garay
A paradigm shift for socioeconomic justice and health: from focusing on inequalities to aiming at sustainable equity - Juan Garay, David Chiriboga
Build Back Fairer: Achieving Health Equity in the Eastern Mediterranean Region - World Health Organization Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean, Institute of Health Equity, Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research
International Equity Time Maps and Graphs
Download the App Statplanet (windows or Mac)
Download the Database here
Contact Us
Juan Garay
Andre Sales
SHEM Head of Communication equitycovid@gmail.com
Beatríz Bejerano